Monday, March 20, 2017



Last night, I went to the James Sewell ballet at the WMPAC
On arriving, getting situated in my spot
I immediately ran into John Bauchman
I haven’t seen him in over a year
He was our original partner 
In the Hungry Moose building in Town Center
It was very nice to see him
a bit intense
His wife Patty had a stroke over a year ago
I knew nothing about it
John looked great and told me that Patty was doing well
It was hard to talk to him because my voice is so soft 
And WMPAC is so loud
There were others I ran into as well 
I told everybody to please feel free to text 
And visit me at home when possible

The ballet was awesome.
I found the first half very soothing
I had trouble keeping my eyes open
The dancers were so fit
Their performances were flawless
The ballet after intermission was very intense
It was futuristic, robotic, digital
The body work was stiff, abrupt and unnatural
It made me very anxious and lasted way too long
Being who I am and watching these amazing bodies 
Using muscles that I didn’t know I had when I was healthy
It was too intense for me
By the end of the show my body was so stiff
I could hardly control my chair
I needed to go home

Somehow I made my way out of WMPAC
Candice took over the controls of my chair 
Got me up the ramp and into the van

While she was pressing the button to pull in the ramp
Hannah stepped on the ramp
Thank God she didn’t fall 
and stumbled her way into the van
She looked at me intensely with tears in her eyes
She said to me, I am so happy to see you at the show
You are a visionary
You have the opportunity to see the world 
in a different way than anybody else
You are a visionary

It was a very intense way to end a very intense evening

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