Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stan and Jackie off to Boston


25 years ago today, I woke up and called Jackie Roberts, this very attractive and smart woman that I met the night before at my friend Roger's 25th birthday party. She was working as an Air France telephone reservationist. I dialed the number she told her girlfriend very loudly in front of me 3 times 247-0100 and miraculously she answered the phone, "Air France, this is Emily (that was her Air France alias)" I said, "Jackie?" and the rest is history...

Today we went to our friend Debby's yoga class together. Last week we celebrated with our little getaway to the Sanctuary in Scottsdale, Arizona. I was telling Debby about the books I read while away, Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, the CEO of and When Things Fall Apart (Debby's favorite book) by Pema Chodron. They were actually great compliments of each other and I am still thinking a lot about both of them. Yoga class was awesome as always, today's theme being one's attention is the fertilizer, give attention to what you want to grow... After yoga it was off to get Stan and for Jackie to get ready at home. We left for the airport around 11:45 am for their 2:10 pm flight. It was a beautiful sunny day, first warm sunny day in Big Sky in quite awhile. So I dropped Jackie and Stan off at the security line and drove back to Big Sky where I went straight to the store to try to get a little work done. I sat with Lauren for an hour which was great and I told her about these 2 books and we discussed a whole bunch of stuff. At 5 I had to run off and pick up Howie at gymnastics, and then we went home . Micah, Howie and I rode our bikes to the Porcupine Trailhead, we would have kept going, but the trail was still snowy and where the snow was gone it would have been way too muddy, so we just turned around and rode back home. It was a great warm up ride, maybe 3 miles roundtrip. As we rode our bikes up our steep road almost to our house, Andrew pulled up in his green Subaru. So we were all home, Andrew, Micah and Howie immediately started playing basketball in the driveway. I decided to take the dogs for an evening walk. As I was saying hello to our neighbor Polly at the bottom of the hill I saw 3 boys flying down the hill, two on longboards and one on a scooter. I did a double take before I realized it was Andrew, Micah, and Howie. Andrew was flying juggling the basketball in his arms as he made the turn around me towards the new neighborhood basketball court. Micah and Howie were flying behind him and off they went down the street. Buddy was pulling me hard on the leash, and Murray was walking slowly and gingerly behind me. I looked at our friend and neighbor Polly and said, "I was wondering who those hoodlums flying down the hill were and then I realized they were mine, my three boys, my three sons..." The sun was shining, the white covered mountains were shining, I was shining.

I walked the dogs around the neighborhood, lots of neighbors out in the sun, lots of hellos, then back home to make dinner, the boys didn't come home till after 8 pm. But I timed it perfectly, we had chicken pasta primavera and garlic bread, and the boys were hungry and devoured it.

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