Tuesday, February 21, 2017


cousin Ruthie just left
it’s a beautiful sunny day
the wind blowing hard
the trees shaking
the rising sun shining through our window
the clouds moving swiftly across Ramshorn Peak
cars speeding by on the highway
the bend in the river
I am moving around in my chair trying to get comfortable
Jackie typing this as I talk

oh Ruthie
baby Ruth
when she was born
the firm where her father worked
gave him a giant Baby Ruth candy bar banner
they were the accountants for the Curtiss Candy Company

she arrived on Thursday morning
she made us dinner every night 
and breakfast every morning
she organized my bookcases 
and helped me pay our bills
we found her father’s college graduation photo 
among my books
we found a folder of memorabilia 
from his and her sister’s funeral
we talked and told stories
we watched crime shows on Netflix
we did New York Times crossword puzzles
we played Yahtzee and she won
oh Ruthie who looks so much like her father
my favorite uncle
more like a big brother to me
He took me to my first baseball card convention
where we confirmed the Ted Williams card
we possessed was worth fifty dollars

yesterday was a very busy day
Randy came up with a hospital bed
redid the demo power chair 
he is lending me until mine is ready
he fixed it so I can now move 
through the doorways of the rooms
he raised and narrowed the armrests
which is taking some time to get used to
Ruthie and I cleaned off the last bookcase 
to make room for the bed

today she took our  tax package
to our accountant on the way to the airport
when we said goodbye she said
you will need to write a poem for me
tears stinging my eyes as she left
one last horn beep as she pulled out of the driveway


Shabbat with Josh and Debby


1 comment:

  1. Love this poem and happy to have spent time with Ruth and all of you. Beautiful. Love. Love.
