Prom night was actually the night of the pie auction, Ophir School's annual major fundraiser for the parent council which pays for lots of extracurricular things for the kids of the school. I don't think in the 17 years Jackie and I have lived here we have ever missed a pie auction... which in recent years has become more of an art auction as every class auctions off at least one art item which they make specifically for the pie auction. Above is the art piece Howie's class made this year, which we bought last night and immediately found a home on our living room wall. The pink elephant angel is the cake we bought, a huckleberry frosting, butter cake, with chocolate mocha froster layered inside the cake - huge, heavy, and yummy! It was a fun night, after working at the store, doing deliveries with Jackie and dealing with the kids we made it home to get ready for the big prom. I have never been to a real prom so it was my virgin prom, nervous and not sure what to do. Jackie bought me a tuxedo shirt at the thrift store where she also purchased her wine colored gown for the evening, both for only $3.00! I borrowed a bowtie from a friend and spent the last 30 minutes while Jackie was at Netty's getting her hair done trying to watch youtube videos and figure out how to tie a bowtie. When Jackie got home I told her what to do and she fixed it up for me, then we tried to figure out how to pin on her coursage and my boutinier (Sp?) and then it was off to Bucks T-4 to meet our group for our prom dinner and the wonderful night of festivities...
and then today, Sunday was a slow moving morning, Howie and I did grocery deliveries for a couple of hours together, he's earning money for his week long school trip to yellowstone, and then just when we got back to the store, he got picked up by his friend Ellie and he's off having fun. I went home and picked up the dogs and took them on a cross country skate ski and now I'm home listening to Jazz and about to go play a game of pool with Andrew...
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